The Factory Community Centre has a long history of engaging artists in community development projects.
An early
mural project to be found on the walls of The Factory bears the legend, ‘This mural is part of South Sydney Project
0982-1986. The tiles were made by the following community groups who meet at the Factory: the Turkish Woman’s
Literacy Group, some parents involved with Playgroups, the Blindies as well as a group of staff members. They were
helped along by Toni Warbarton and Susan Ostling. Financial assistance was given by the Crafts Board of the Australia
Council and the Sydney City Council. Ceramics facilities were provided by the Tin Sheds University of Sydney.
The mural was completed in August 1986’.
In recent years, The Factory has run projects in glass, pottery, textile, and in public art, the latter by the artist Angela
Yeend whose mosaic murals may be found in Waterloo Green and in the playground in southern end of Pitt St, Waterloo. We are currently engaged in dance though The Salsa Factory activity, and also see and cultivate food and community gardening activity as a popular expression of art and creativity in the community
A major community theatre project was in participating in The Asia-Pacific Festival of Children's Theatre in Toyama ,
Northern Japan , in August of 2004. 17 children from Alexandria Park Community School were chosen to represent
Australia at this festival. Currently the ”LET THE DOG OUT” project, an anti-bullying initiative, which commenced as
an activity at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, is being promoted to a wider audience and showcasing the importance
of the arts in community engagement and development
For details about
our 2012 World Childrens festival
click here.