This new Barnardos service began operation at The Factory Community Centre on February 11th 2008.
Yurungai has 25 places available each school day afternoon, with 20 of these places being allocated to Aboriginal or
Torres Strait Islander children aged 5 to 12 years, who attend primary schools in the Redfern, Waterloo and Alexandria
areas. 5 places are available for non indigenous children whose families are receiving Centrelink benefits and who
require assistance with their school work.
The centre is open each week day afternoon during school term from 3pm to 6pm. The children participate in structured recreational and art/craft activities with a designated session for homework and other educational support. The staff of the centre work closely with the children’s teachers to develop individual learning programs and ensure that any learning needs are identified and suitable assistance provided. Parents and carers are encouraged to participate when possible so they can be part of the children’s homework plan. The children also receive a nutritious afternoon tea and a meal before going home.
This is a low cost or free service (depending on income) where the children receive individualised homework assistance in a safe and fun environment. It is mostly staffed by Koori workers with a high staff/child ratio. The Factory bus continues to pick up the children from Alexandria Park and Our Lady of Mt Carmel School. Enrolments are open now for full or part time attendance.
For further information and to obtain an enrolment form, please ring Toni Widders or Vivianne Freeman at Barnardos on 9698 9577.
For further information on Barnardos Australia have a look at our website