The Factory Community Centre manages the HCAP programme locally for Redfern and Waterloo and it is funded by New South Wales Department of Housing. This programme involves working in partnership with both Government and Non-Government agencies to assist in building social cohesion in the area and promoting resident involvement through a community development framework. This involves providing a range of services to help groups and individuals become involved in developing and enhancing their communities and thereby improving the quality of life for local people.
We do this by offering support to existing groups and services and by developing new locally based ’resident-led
community and voluntary groups in the area. We work to help build the capacity of community activists or volunteers and work with others towards creating a more cohesive, self-assured community, building upon the existing strong community spirit of the residents.

Activities include:-
• Organising community events and projects, such as galas, ceremonies, and consultation days, that address
community issues identified by local residents. (e.g., Summer on the Green Festival, Waterloo Recycling
Workshop, Waterloo Green Action group, and local Neighbourhood Advisory Board's)
• Offering support, training, and advice to existing groups and individuals on a range of issues such as funding,
project planning, advocacy on their behalf to Government agencies, and how to set up new interest groups and
• Assisting in the organisation of recreation activities that bring people together
• Facilitating the production of RedWater News, a community based newsletter
• Advocating on behalf of the community (to policy & decision makers) - gathering of perceived needs though the
Community Voice Project
• Promoting a partnership approach to community challenges, e.g., establishing action or steering groups around
topics of priorities for the community

For more information and date time of activities contact Mike on 8399 1011